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The Mini-Horizontal TELS is the ideal instrument for checking small dimensions. It is part of the horizontal instruments family.The instrument is mainly used for checking internal and external dimensions, such as ring gauges,  plug gauges, thread plug gauges and for measuring precision production parts.  The reliable concept is easily suitable for the use in workshop environment.An electronic probe and digital display unit or simply a dial indicator can be applied to perform all measurements. The selection of the measu-ring system depends on the required accuracy.The range for internal measurements of 10 to 100 mm and external measurements of 0 to 100 mm covers a large number of applications. The absolute measuring range is 25 mm and a preset setting is necessary to obtain an entire length.


Functions of Sylvac display unit:
Selection of the measuring unit mm/Inch
Analog display
Input and display of tolerance limits
Classification (2 - 6 classes)
Input and setting of preset values
Inversion of measuring direction (+/-)
Channel selection Value hold
Locking in of the keyboard and the mm/inch selection
External contact function using foot pedal or computer
Print-out of value and statistical analysis



 測量范圍 mm 10 - 100
 應用范圍 mm 0 - 100
 最大誤差1)  1.5
 重復性 (2s) 1) μm  0.1
 分辨率mm 0.1 -0.0001
 測力 N 3-8
 承重工臺  15

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